Fig Tree Therapy

instilling hope and inspiring change

Welcome to our Christian counseling practice! We are a team of dedicated therapists who are passionate about helping individuals, couples, and families find healing and growth through the integration of faith and therapy.  We are a team full of different skills and abilities, hoping to use them all for the glory of God.

Our executive team is comprised of three long-term, dedicated individuals who bring a diverse set of skills and expertise to the table. Tina Motley, LCSW, our founder and CEO, brings a wealth of clinical experience and is in the process of completing a doctoral program in Behavioral Health leadership. David Hawxhurst, LPC, our Spiritual Director, has been with the company for a decade. He provides guidance, training, and support in equipping the team with the spiritual aspects of behavioral health. Finally, Emily Clifford, our Director of Operations, brings her strong background in operational efficiency and project management to ensure our strategic plan is effectively executed. Collectively, we have collaboratively developed a comprehensive strategic plan aimed at addressing the behavioral health needs within the church community. This plan encompasses a variety of approaches and initiatives that will cater to the unique needs of individuals seeking support and guidance in this critical area of their lives.

Stephen Handley, LCSW, our Ministry Liaison, has been diligently reaching out and forming connections with pastors throughout the state of Virginia in order to better understand and assess the behavioral health needs within their congregations. Through these efforts, he has been able to gain valuable insights and perspectives on how mental health and emotional well-being are being addressed within the church community. In light of this ongoing outreach, we want to extend a warm invitation to any pastors who may be interested in receiving additional support, guidance, or resources on how to effectively address and prioritize the mental health needs of their congregants to reach out and connect with us. We are here to offer a helping hand and provide the necessary assistance to ensure that all members of the church community are supported and cared for in their journey towards mental and emotional wellness.

Brandy Rucker, M.A., a highly qualified and experienced professional in the field, currently holds the esteemed position of Site Coordinator at our Midlothian location. With a master’s degree under her belt, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role. Brandy’s leadership style is characterized by its unwavering commitment and reliability, making her a trusted figure among both staff and clients alike.

Kelsey Moffatt, LCSW, holds the esteemed title of clinical supervisor for MSWs and is nearing the completion of her doctoral program in her chosen field. Known for her upbeat personality, professionalism, and dedication to her work, Kelsey is a pillar of trustworthiness in the social work community. Her thorough approach to supervision ensures that her students receive the guidance and support they need to succeed in their careers.

David Hawxhurst, LPC, a licensed professional counselor with years of experience in the field, offers comprehensive clinical supervision services to counselors who are working towards obtaining their licensure. With a deep understanding of the importance of combining faith and clinical judgment in therapy, David’s approach is not only effective but also highly impressive to those under his supervision. He is able to guide and support counselors in navigating the complexities of integrating their personal beliefs with evidence-based practices, ultimately helping them develop a well-rounded and ethical approach to counseling. Through his mentorship, our Christian counselors gain valuable insights and skills that enhance their ability to provide effective and compassionate care to their clients.

Who Are We?

Established in 2012, Fig Tree Therapy is a beacon of hope for those seeking healing and guidance in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty. Our dedicated mission is rooted in serving others as an expression of our faith and devotion to God. As a multicultural group of professionally-trained Christian counselors, we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for our clients to explore and address their emotional and spiritual needs.

We believe that true healing comes from addressing not only the physical and emotional aspects of a person’s well-being, but also the spiritual. Our counselors are called to impart healing to others by drawing on the timeless wisdom and truth found in the Bible. By integrating Biblical principles into our therapy sessions, we strive to help our clients find peace, clarity, and purpose in their lives.

In today’s fast-paced and stressful world, it is becoming increasingly common for individuals to seek out alternative forms of therapy that align with their spiritual beliefs. Christian counseling offers a unique approach to counseling by combining traditional therapy techniques with Biblical teachings and practices. This holistic approach to wellness has been gaining popularity in recent years as more and more people recognize the profound impact that faith can have on their mental and emotional well-being. At Fig Tree Therapy, we are proud to offer this innovative form of therapy to those who are seeking a deeper connection to their faith and a greater sense of inner peace.

Our Mission

The mission of this organization is to carefully select and train a team of dedicated Christian counselors who possess both the necessary professional skills and a deep sense of calling to help others find healing and restoration. Our counselor s are committed to offering guidance and support based on the unwavering truth of the Bible, ensuring that each client receives the highest quality care in line with their Christian values.

man raising left hand, right hand on chest closed eyes standing outdoor under shade of tree during daytime

In order to provide the best possible care for our clients, we prioritize the integration of scientific knowledge with our Christian faith. Our counselors are well-versed in evidence-based interventions and techniques, all of which are delivered within the framework of a Christian worldview. By blending these two aspects, we strive to offer our clients a comprehensive and holistic approach to counseling that is both effective and spiritually enriching.

We understand that true healing extends beyond just the mind or the body, but encompasses the spirit as well. When you engage with our counselors, our goal is not just to address your immediate concerns, but to foster a sense of hope and encouragement that will inspire lasting change and growth within you. Through our interactions, we aim to support you in achieving a renewed sense of well-being that encompasses all aspects of your being.

Our Values

Over the past few years, we as a company have come to the realization that it is imperative for us to delve deeper into defining our identity not just as a business, but also as Christian counselors. This realization has led us to dedicate ourselves to fostering and upholding a Christian ethos within our organization. At the foundation of this ethos lie our core values, which include a steadfast commitment to Christ, a dedication to honesty, a sense of humility, a pursuit of competence, and an emphasis on emotional maturity. These values are not just words on paper; they are actively instilled and nurtured by our leadership team, who consistently work to integrate them into the fabric of our organizational culture. We strive to maintain a company culture based on the values we encourage in our clients.

In addition to valuing the provision of the most truthful and well-informed counseling possible, our commitment to continual personal growth and development is of utmost importance. We recognize that the counseling process is a two-way street, where as we seek to heal and allow God to improve us, we are able to better guide and support our clients in their own healing journey. Rather than viewing ourselves as the ultimate experts in the therapeutic relationship, we humbly defer to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, trusting in divine wisdom to lead us in our work with others.

Welcome to our Christian counseling center, where we offer a variety of therapeutic services to help individuals and families heal and grow. Our team of licensed therapists are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective care, incorporating Christian principles and values into our practice. We offer a range of therapies, including Christian EMDR, DBT, and traditional talk therapy, to meet the unique needs of each client. Keep reading to learn more about our services and how we can help you on your journey towards healing and wholeness.

Our Approach

We believe that every person is unique and has their own story and struggles. That’s why we take a personalized approach to counseling, tailoring our methods to meet the specific needs of each client.

Our therapists are trained in a variety of evidence-based therapies, including EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), which is a highly effective treatment for trauma and other mental health issues. We also incorporate elements of mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and other modalities to create a comprehensive treatment plan for each client.

But what sets us apart is our integration of Christian principles into our counseling approach. We believe that faith can be a powerful tool in the healing process and we strive to help our clients connect with their faith in a way that is meaningful and relevant to their journey.

Our Services

At our counseling center, we are proud to provide both telehealth and in-person options for Christian counseling services. Our goal is to make it convenient for all individuals, couples, and families seeking support to access the help they need in a way that works best for them. Whether you prefer the ease and flexibility of virtual sessions or the comfort of a face-to-face interaction, our team is dedicated to meeting your unique needs and helping you navigate through life’s challenges with a Christian perspective.

Our team of Christian counselors brings a wealth of experience and expertise to our practice, ensuring that each client receives the highest quality of care and support. We understand that every individual, couple, and family faces their own set of struggles and obstacles, which is why we are committed to offering a diverse range of counseling services tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. Whether you are dealing with issues related to relationships, mental health, grief, or any other challenge, our counselors are here to provide compassionate guidance and support every step of the way.

Some of the common issues that our Christian counselors are skilled at addressing include relationship conflicts, communication difficulties, emotional trauma, addiction, anxiety, depression, and many more. Our counselors have undergone extensive training and education to equip them with the tools and techniques necessary to help individuals, couples, and families overcome these obstacles and lead fulfilling lives grounded in faith. We believe that by integrating biblical principles and Christian values into our counseling approach, we can offer a holistic and impactful solution to those seeking healing and growth in their lives.

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What is Christian Counseling?

While we understand that not all of our clients may share the same beliefs as us, it is important to note that our approach to our application can be flexible based on the specific needs of each client. However, what remains unwavering are our core values, which are deeply rooted in the teachings of the Word of God. Our main goal is to help our clients recognize and address any deceptive beliefs or assumptions that may be holding them back from experiencing true freedom in their lives. Our team has a deep understanding of the intricate connection between the mind, body, and spirit, and how each of these elements can significantly impact the others. We firmly believe in the power of God to bring about healing in individuals, married couples, and families, and we emphasize the importance of following Biblical principles in all aspects of our work.

One of the central aims of our organization is to support our clients on their journey towards personal growth and transformation. While we acknowledge that not everyone may share the same Christian worldview as us, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all individuals seeking our services. Our approach is tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, while remaining grounded in our core values derived from the teachings of the Bible. Our team is dedicated to helping clients identify and challenge any limiting beliefs or assumptions that may be hindering their progress. We recognize the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit, and strive to address each of these elements in our work. Through our work, we seek to empower individuals, couples, and families to achieve true healing and growth in accordance with Biblical principles.

What if I am not a Christian?

At the heart of our organization lies a deep commitment to helping individuals, couples, and families find true healing and restoration through a Biblical approach. While we understand that not all of our clients may share our beliefs, we believe it is important to emphasize the importance of our values, which are rooted in the Word of God. Our primary focus is on assisting our clients in identifying and overcoming any obstacles that prevent them from experiencing true freedom and joy in their lives. We believe that true healing comes from addressing the interconnected nature of the mind, body, and spirit, and we are dedicated to guiding our clients through this process. With a firm belief in God’s power to bring about transformation, we are committed to helping individuals, couples, and families navigate life’s challenges in a way that aligns with Biblical principles.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

We have witnessed firsthand the impact of trauma on an individual’s physical and mental well-being, and we have seen how God can use psychotherapy as a tool to bring comfort and hope to many people. Our specialized training is centered around a specific form of psychotherapy known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, EMDR.

EMDR therapy is a holistic approach that provides a unique perspective on understanding various types of psychological or emotional issues that may be considered abnormal or distressing. This therapeutic method suggests that many of the challenges and symptoms people face in their lives today can be linked back to past experiences that have been stored in an unhealthy way within their memory and cognitive functions. Through the process of identifying and addressing these past experiences, EMDR therapy aims to reduce current symptoms and encourage personal growth and healing for the individual.

If you are looking for an EMDR therapist in your area, you can explore the website to find a qualified professional. To learn more about the intersection of Christian faith and EMDR therapy, feel free to check out our blog page for additional resources and information on how these two elements can work together for healing and restoration.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy, also known as DBT, was developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan as a structured and focused approach to help individuals learn skills to regulate their emotions, navigate distressing situations, and enhance their interpersonal abilities. Central to the practice of DBT is the concept of mindfulness, which involves being fully present in the moment and engaging with curiosity and acceptance. By learning how to tolerate the tension that arises from conflicting feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, individuals can develop the capacity to effectively communicate and empathize with others. Many of our therapists have undergone specialized training in DBT and incorporate its principles and techniques into our personalized therapy sessions, providing clients with the tools they need to cope with life’s challenges.

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Groups & Classes

At Fig Tree Therapy, we are proud to offer a diverse selection of group therapy options to meet the unique needs of our clients. Our groups cover a wide range of topics and therapeutic approaches, ensuring that there is something for everyone. Whether you are looking for support with a specific issue or simply want to connect with others in a group setting, we have you covered.

If you are interested in learning more about the groups we currently offer, we invite you to visit our group page under services on our website. Here you will find detailed information about each group, including the schedule, topic, and facilitator. Alternatively, you can reach out to our admin team at [email protected] for more personalized assistance. Our team is happy to answer any questions you may have and help you find the perfect group for your needs.

Meet Our Team

Tina Motley, LCSW & CEO

Tina graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2002 with a Master’s in Social Work and became licensed in 2009. She is currently a PhD student at Liberty University studying Psychology with a concentration in Behavioral Health Leadership.

David Hawxhurst, LPC, Spiritual Director

David began counseling as a graduate of the Lay Counseling Institute in Northern Virginia.

Valerie Caleb, LPC

Valerie earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Eastern Mennonite University and a Master of Science in Rehabilitation Counseling.

Scott Ellis, LPC, NCC

Scott is a married father of three and Licensed Professional Counselor who earned his Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a specialization in Christian Counseling and his Master of Education in School Counseling. He has a wide range of ongoing counseling experiences which typically involve helping people transform communication, behavioral and life patterns. 

Elizabeth Whittle, LPC

Elizabeth is a Licensed Professional Counselor and completed her Masters in Counselor Education at Virginia Commonwealth University. Elizabeth completed her residency in private practice and has extensive experience working with adolescents and adults.

Annie Kennedy, LCSW

Annie is qualified by her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Covenant College and a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work.

Kelsey Moffatt, LCSW

My area of specialization and deepest passion includes ethical integration of religion and spirituality into trauma therapy. Seeing firsthand the brain’s ability to grow from hardship and witnessing the human propensity for healing in a therapeutic relationship spearheaded my passion for working with individuals who experienced trauma.

Stephen Handley, LCSW

Stephen utilizes a relational, cognitive-behavioral, attachment-based, strengths-based approach and is EMDR trained. He takes a positive, optimistic approach and builds on his clients’ strengths to help them feel confident and meet their goals. Stephen understands the courage it takes to seek professional help and is intentional about meeting clients where they are in the process.

Misty Tafao, LADC/MH, LSATP, MAC

Misty understands the importance of engaging the whole person (body, soul, and spirit) in the healing process. She is a certified EMDR therapist and is trained in many other trauma focused methods, including Polyvagal theory, somatic work, and dissociation (Ego State/parts work). She also specializes in substance abuse/addiction, and is certified as a Master Addiction Counselor.

Jen Leftwich, LCSW

My path to working as a mental health clinician is a long one, shaped by my values from family roots in service. I have 10 years of combined experience in crisis intervention and emergency services, formal peer support, volunteerism, and professional clinical mental health practice through the continuum of care from the field and 911 PSAP to the hospital and therapy office for both civilians and uniformed professionals.

Michelle Kauffman, LPC

My clinical areas include anxiety, depression, trauma, eating disorders, and life transitions. I am trained in Eye movement desensitization reprocessing therapy, and I am working towards my certification as a certified EMDR therapist through EMDRIA. I am also trained in trauma Focused- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and I have completed course work with IAEDP (International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals) and National Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders.

Brandy Rucker, Resident in Counseling

Brandy graduated from Texas Wesleyan University with a Master of Arts in professional counseling. After her USAF retirement, Brandy decided to pursue her love for counseling, coaching, and mentoring.

Diane Marcelle, Supervisee in Social Work

Diane brings a wealth of experience working directly with individuals, couples, families, and groups from adolescence to senior adults. She treats a range of issues including depression, anxiety, identity formation, life transitions, church-related hurt, trauma, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and relationship issues.

Rachel Mauro, Resident in Counseling, NCC

Rachel’s clinical area and passion is working with survivors of complex trauma, specifically female survivors of sexual and domestic abuse, including childhood abuse. She also works with depression, anxiety, and life transitions

Alexandra Rankin, M.Ed., Resident in Counseling

My approach to therapy includes formal training in EMDR, DBT, and other behavioral models. I also enjoy incorporating techniques from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Psychodynamic Therapy. You are free to ask me questions about the theories and research behind any intervention or therapy model that we use in your sessions.

Bo Farrar, Supervisee in Social Work

Bo Farrar is a dedicated clinician with a passion for helping those struggling with addiction and other difficulties. Bo is in long term recovery, and his personal experience with alcoholism inspired him to devote his life and career to help others facing the same difficulties

Stephanie Boarman, Resident in Counseling

Stephanie is passionate about combining evidence-based clinical interventions with biblical truth in the context of an empathetic, therapeutic relationship. She enjoys working with women from adolescence into the senior years.

Melinda Batalias, Resident in Counseling

Melinda’s areas of clinical interest include trauma, complex trauma, sexual abuse, relationship issues, codependency, depression, anxiety, and life transitions. Melinda employs an eclectic approach tocounseling in order to individualize care for clients. 

Emily Clifford, Operations Director

Emily joined Fig Tree Therapy in 2015. In that time she has served as a part-time assistant, Intake Specialist, Practice Manager, Director of Administration, and now the Operations Director.

Elyse Hames, Intern

Elyse is an intern/student counselor, completing her second year at Wake Forest University with her Mental Health Counseling masters degree. She completed her Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Following graduation, Elyse found her passion for counseling, leadership, and coaching others. Elyse loves working with children, adolescents and young adults.

Lauren Hetzler, LCSW

Lauren, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, possesses a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of social work. She began her academic journey by earning her Bachelor of Social Work Degree from the prestigious James Madison University. Building on this strong foundation, Lauren furthered her education by obtaining a Master of Social Work Degree from Radford University. With these qualifications in hand, Lauren has dedicated herself to helping individuals, couples, and families through the provision of psychotherapy.

Here are some places to get started.


Here you will find information about our therapeutic specialties.


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Taking the first step is the hardest part, but our team is here to help.

Hear from our clients.

You can now listen to direct testimonials from our clients, who share their personal experiences at Fig Tree Therapy, through these insightful and engaging videos available on YouTube. These videos provide a platform for clients to speak openly about their journey at our therapy center, offering valuable insights and perspectives on the services and support they have received. Take the opportunity to hear firsthand accounts from those who have benefited from our therapies and see how Fig Tree Therapy can make a positive impact on your life.